What has four feet, four legs and four eyes; and carries the promise of the future? Seekerz ©2020
Remember the Fallen!
Don’t let the fallen be forgotten! With record numbers overwhelming the healthcare systems of the world due to the Coronavirus, they can fall through the cracks. If we’re not careful, their records will be forgotten in the rush to protect the living.
Come Grow with Us
Seekerz.net is continuously improving and looking for ways to better help you. We have added a Vision Statement under the About Sub-Menu to let you know what we’re about, and what we want to accomplish in the future. Come grow with us and let us know how we can improve.
Help us help you
Seekerz.net is interested in your input. What Family History information are you interested in? How can we help you in your Family History Journey? Your input will allow us to provide content that is useful to you.
Announcement: More fun – Crossword 001
More fun and games, or at least games… We’ve added another puzzle. How fast can you solve it? Click on FUN, then CROSSWORD PUZZLES, then SEEKERZ CROSSWORDZ 001
Announcement: Family History Terms
Getting up to speed on new fields of endeavor can be difficult. Sometimes the learning curve can be steep and the terrain rocky. However, there are things you can do to ease the stress and accelerate your ability to get up to speed. And once you get to the top, it’s all downhill from there. One of the most powerful ways to get up to speed quickly is to study a list of terms applicable to the new environment, such as Health Care. In order to meet our goal to help others as much as possible to get up to […]
Global Fast for Coronavirus
Please join us in a Global Fast next Friday 4/10/2020 (Good Friday) to ask God for intervention in the Coronavirus pandemic, regardless of religion or belief. God can inspire those trying to solve the problem and he can show his power unto deliverance. Seekerz
About the Coronavirus
There has been a lot of hype surrounding the Coronavirus Covid 19 and it is disconcerting to see schools close and high visibility sports venues like the NBA and NHL postpone their activities. So what’ the big deal? Isn’t this just like every other flu? Actually, it does turn out to be a bigger deal than it seemed on the surface. One of the best sources of good information as vs hype on the internet can be found at https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca. This website claims to have received 21 million views in the lat 48 hours. Highpoints: 1) Coronavirus grows at an […]
We’re Improving
Seekerz.net is improving. We’ve added a How To menu with articles showing others how to accomplish tasks in Family History. We’ve added a Tools menu pointing Genealogists to desktop and on-line tools that can make their lives easier. And now We’ve added a FUN menu with Crossword and Word Search puzzles. Come join us on our journey, and while you’re at it, try out the Word Search for Utilities for a little fun. See if you can find all of the desktop utilities in the puzzle.
Missed RootsTech?
What if I missed RootsTech? Is there anything I can do? There’s an app for that, or at least a web address: https://www.rootstech.org/video-archive Many people are interested in attending RootsTech, but due to work, sickness, etc. are unable to attend. Perhaps things will get less hectic and you’ll have more time available when you retire. In the mean time, you can view the sessions RootsTech has recorded and made publicly available at the web address above. They even have up-to-date information on using DNA to seek out your Family Heritage. You may find something useful. Give it a try!