2021.01.20 – Real Treat from RootsTech


RootsTech is just a little over one month away. 25-27 of February.

They have come up with a real treat for everyone who comes to RootsTech.

One of the most popular experiences at past RootsTech have been “Relatives at RootsTech.” They used the Family Search Tree app to show how you were related to people at the event. The downside is you had to be at the event to participate. Now that RootsTech is going virtual this February, they have set it up that everyone at the Conference, no matter where they live, worldwide can participate in the “Relatives at RootsTech.”

Here are the directions to get on board.

First Visit FamilySearch.org/connect.

Sign in or create an account.

Follow the instructions on the opt-in page to join in and confirm your registration.

That’s it, see your results.

As of January 19, 2021, I have 30 possible “Smart connections.” 25 from the United States. Three from the United Kingdom and one from Canada. Add in all connections, and I have 3,418 Relatives at RootsTech.

I can check back as the time gets closer and see if any more cousins show up.

Granted, they may be 10th cousins twice removed or more. But still. What a HOOT and that is just one of the many things offered. See you there.

Pat Smart

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2021.03.13 - Innovators at RootsTech

Innovators at RootsTech By Dale E. Lee Summary: 3D Exhibits 3D Family Charts Computer Assisted Indexing Culture Comparisons DNA Matrices Family History in Historical Context Genealogy Research Assistants Interactive Family History Video Games Restoring old Photos Other Innovations Detail: Wow! I guess Covid 19 wasn’t ALL bad. Over 1,000,000 people attended RootsTech worldwide because it was Virtual (due to the pandemic), and it was Free! There were many Courses, Cultural events, Sessions, and Main events. But in addition to the areas of interest I personally had, one of the most interesting of the categories was the Innovators Portal. https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/rtc2021/series/innovators The […]

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