How to Add a Child Relationship in FamilySearch By Dale E. Lee 2020.03.20 Summary: – Get the FamilySearch ID of the person to be added to a parent to child relationship – Get the FamilySearch IDs of the parents you wish to add the child to – Verify that the child should be added to the parents involved – Scroll down to and view the Family Members section and look for Parents and Siblings – Click on Add Parent – In the Add Parents screen click on By ID Number – Enter the FamilySearch ID Number in the ID Number […]
How to Remove a Child Relationship
How to Remove a Child Relationship in FamilySearch By Dale E. Lee 2020.03.08 Summary: – Get the FamilySearch ID person to be removed from a child-parent relationship – Verify that this person should be removed from the relationship – Click into the individual entry on FamilySearch – Scroll down to and view the Family Members section and look for Parents and Siblings – Click into the edit icon for the child to be removed from the child to parent relationship under the Parents and Siblings section – Be sure you don’t remove the parents from the relationship; you are trying […]
2021.04.26 – Community Service announcement
Seekerz LLC is proud to announce that we are supporting two organizationsthat have made tremendous efforts in helping the needy around the world. Feed My Starving Children® is an organization that has been feeding needy childrenfor decades. Children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children and ship these meals to partners around the world.They claim to have shipped 2,881,681,453+ meals to date. JustServe is a website that facilitates other organizations organize efforts to help the needy and improve the community. You can make a difference by using JustServe to organize a project, get notifications when new projects […]
2021.04.21 – Newsletter announcement
We’ve been working hard and are now are able to offer you a free subscriptionto Seekerz Newz, our weekly newsletter. To subscribe, just go to > Subscribe > Free Weekly Newsletter,click the Subscribe button and fill out the form. We look forward to having you join us!
2021.03.26 – How to Index
How to Index By Dale E. Lee 2021.03.26 Summary: What is Indexing? Why is it important? Getting Started. Find a project. Find a batch. Read the Project Instructions. Extract the record(s). Utilize what you’ve learned. Detail: What is Indexing? OK. I admit the term Indexing is probably a misnomer. Maybe they should have called it Digitizing. But the reason they called it Indexing was to allow the document to be digitized and then entered into a computer database as text and afterward to build an Index on it. Computer indexes use the same concept as normal library card and or […]
2021.03.13 – Innovators at RootsTech
Innovators at RootsTech By Dale E. Lee Summary: 3D Exhibits 3D Family Charts Computer Assisted Indexing Culture Comparisons DNA Matrices Family History in Historical Context Genealogy Research Assistants Interactive Family History Video Games Restoring old Photos Other Innovations Detail: Wow! I guess Covid 19 wasn’t ALL bad. Over 1,000,000 people attended RootsTech worldwide because it was Virtual (due to the pandemic), and it was Free! There were many Courses, Cultural events, Sessions, and Main events. But in addition to the areas of interest I personally had, one of the most interesting of the categories was the Innovators Portal. The […]
2021.01.20 – Real Treat from RootsTech
RootsTech is just a little over one month away. 25-27 of February. They have come up with a real treat for everyone who comes to RootsTech. One of the most popular experiences at past RootsTech have been “Relatives at RootsTech.” They used the Family Search Tree app to show how you were related to people at the event. The downside is you had to be at the event to participate. Now that RootsTech is going virtual this February, they have set it up that everyone at the Conference, no matter where they live, worldwide can participate in the “Relatives at […]
2021.01.05 – The Grumpy Old Man on Recipes
Why are recipes so important? Could it be that from the beginning of time, food was a way of showing friendship? A Bond? In the beginning, food was hard to come by, and the act of welcoming one into your cave and offer them some of your hard-won Mastodon meat showed them they were special. As time went on and food was easier to come by, the custom continued. Now it was on the host to provide not just food but a tasty meal. The invention of recipes. Some recipes are handed down from generation to generation. Some are a […]
2020.12.30 – Cinnamon Rolls – Favorite Family Recipe
Holli Lee Summary: Grandma Cinnamon Rolls The Recipe Detail: Grandma Cinnamon Rolls The recipe for my Grandma’s cinnamon rolls has been a part of, and in the family ever since I can remember. Every time my Grandparents came over for family visits, my siblings and I would grab Grandma and put her to work in the kitchen. Since Grandma always made cinnamon rolls for us, we started calling her “Grandma Cinnamon Rolls”. While Grandma was working away in the kitchen, we had to go to bed, but we would try our best to get a glimpse of those cinnamon rolls. […]
2020.12.16 – Red Chile Tomato Enchiladas
Walt Turley Summary: Old style with a modern twist The Recipe Detail: Old style with a modern twist I remember my Mom putting fresh tomatoes & whole green chilies on the top of the old cast iron wood stove to let them brown, turning them periodically until the skins were darkened. Then she’d peel off the skins and put them in the colander (a old style conical strainer) to puree them until it all turned to a thick puree. Then she’d spice the puree with salt, pepper & a sprinkle of garlic, & other spices I didn’t think to pay […]