Don’t Wait until it’s too Late
Many people thought they had all the time in the world, until Covid 19 hit. But then it was too late.
Loved ones near and dear to them are now only memories, bits of facts, some remembered and some written down. They forgot to take the time to record the loved one’s voice and their story.
But Covid was not the only situation people find themselves in. Some pass in traffic accidents due to blind spots or icy roads or drunken drivers. Others pass through genetic and other diseases. And yet others through war and strife. Although you should plan your life as if it will go on into an old age, you need to prepare as if it would end soon. If you never prepare, it will not matter when the end comes, you’ll never be prepared. If you do prepare, it again does not matter when it comes, you will be prepared.
Family Present
For those of us that still have the time, take it. Sit down with your relatives and record their story. You may find things you never knew about them. But don’t let life just happen and let the chance slip you by. You never know when the window of opportunity will close.
Family History
For those of us that no longer have that opportunity, you can still reach out into the past and grab bits and pieces of your loved one’s lives to better understand them and make the connection. Many people feel a void in their lives, especially those who have been adopted. By reaching out and finding those they are connected to, they fill that void.
Family History can be fascinating
You don’t really know who you are until you find out who your ancestors were.
Where you were born was dictated by choices your parents made. Where they were born was dictated by the choices their parents made. History comes alive as you read your ancestor’s stories. They are not just names and dates and places, they are a part of you and why you are here.
Family History Problems
However, there is one big problem with Family History. Most people want to jump into the deep end of the Family History pool without first learning how to swim. They soon find the breadth of knowledge needed and depth of some of the areas of knowledge to be overwhelming and give up in frustration. It’s not that the training is not good, but it is disjointed and non-cohesive. A person can literally study different aspects of it for a year and not find good footing.
Seekerz LLC helps those interested in Family History who want a step by step guide map to show them the lay of the land. Each of the steps involved in becoming proficient is discussed. Each lays the foundation for the next step. Traversing a landscape is much easier if you have a road map. You can avoid many, many missteps by knowing how to get to your objectives in a quick and efficient manner. Not having a roadmap can waste a lot of valuable time and is the main reason for the frustration many feel when delving into Family History.
Seekerz LLC is offering the Intro to Family History report which lays out the road map in simple understandable terms for only $7.00. This lesson is a framework for future expansion of your knowledge in this area. It can become the backbone used to flesh out your body of knowledge as it grows. Just fill in the email address you wish the pdf to be sent to and click the Buy Now button below and and you will be sent a copy. Please double check the email address for accuracy and junk mail if not received in a reasonable amount of time.
And even better, for a limited time Seekerz will send you a copy of the Family History Guide map entirely for free with the purchase of any Book, Dish, or Clothing item on www.seekerz.net using it’s Amazon click through. This offer may not last past the month of August, so don’t delay. Just send proof of the purchase to service@seekerz.net along with the email address you wish it to be sent to. We will verify the purchase and send you the report. Remember to get credit, you don’t need to click the Buy Now button below to purchase the report, but you do need to click through from www.seekerz.net and purchase the item from Amazon, then send us the proof. There are a variety of items with popular graphics and you can view them from www.seekerz.net/shopping. Buy one item and get the report for free!