I once wrote that one should take time to talk to their relatives, and then sit down and interview them, especially from the generations past. But what if you are the “Generation Past”? No need to wait. No time to waste. I am 70 yrs old. Granted my plan is to live to 100. But what if God, Fate, or Events have a different plan? One’s life experiences, if not passed on, are forgotten, lost forever. The secret to immortality is to pass on the events of one’s life so they live on in the memories of generations to come. […]
2020.09.01 – Another Random Thought from a Grumpy Old Man
The Corona Virus has had an impact on my life. I still go to work, but have cut back, not out of fear, but as an excuse to pursue other adventures. The downside is, I have more free time, and sometimes I get bored. One can’t pursue greatness 100% of the time. When I get bored, my mind tends to wander. Sometimes, it goes to wild and wondrous places and sometimes, well, not so much. I was thinking, how do you talk to your Kids, Grand Kids, and in my case, my Great Grand Kids? How do you set them […]
2023.01.11 – Navajo Family History Research
Navajo Family History ResearchBy Dale E. Lee2023.01.11 Research in American Indian genealogy can be challenging. I recently talked with a friend and discovered that he had Navajo heritage. As something nice for him, I did some research and put together the following resource list. You can gain a lot of information by following the links listed below. Especially useful is the FamilySearch Wiki, but there are others that are also very helpful. When research gets tough, it is always a good idea to turn to experts to point out the way. And it really helps if the information is readily […]
2023.01.04 – Roots Tech: Register for 2023
RootsTech: Register for 2023By Dale E. Lee2023.10.04 Join the largest Family History conference in the world. RootsTech is scheduled for March 2-4 2023 and this time you have the ability to go to the conference either Virtually or In Person at Salt Lake City. Register here: https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/event/rt2023/ RootsTech has exhibits for: Learning – With over 3,000 classes on demand … Innovation – RootsTech partners with over 100 companies each year … Inspiration – Family History starts and ends with great stories …” And more. You can: Tour the site Connect with Living Family Share your story Learn the basics of […]
Grumpy Old Man is at it again.
Hey, it is me again. Online research is excellent. One can sit at home and search the world. But can they? Online I found out that my Dad was married before he met my mother. I found documents that confirmed he was married to another woman. I could not find where my Dad married my mother, UGH. I know he did. I have two brothers and memories that say he did. I just can’t prove it online. Where do I go from here? I keep saying interviewing relatives is the basis of your research. I reached out to my cousin. […]
2020.12.19 – The Grumpy Old Man finds “SPLELING” isn’t always Bad!
OK, correct “SPELLING” is a good thing. But it isn’t the only thing. In Genealogy handwritten documents might contain a “G” could look like a “C.” A small “a” could be mistaken for an “o” or the reverse. Names can also be spelled in various ways, Jon or John. I know a woman that spelled her name Lynda, not Linda. Then there is Petersen instead of Peterson. A woman may be under her maiden name or her husband’s last name. Depending on your name, how many ways can it be spelled? You get the picture. When searching, don’t be constrained […]
2022.12.14 – Getting Started with a Genealogy Business
Getting Started with a Genealogy BusinessBy Jason Kenner2022.12.14 Are you interested in pursuing a career in genealogy? Do you have a passion for helping others learn about their family history? If so, starting your own genealogy business may be the perfect option for you! This blog post provides an overview of what you need to do to get started. We’ll also share some tips on how to build a successful business in this growing industry. So if you’re ready to take the plunge, read on! Find a genealogy niche market that you can focus on Genealogy is a fascinating and […]
2020.09.30 – The Grumpy Old Man finds surprising things in his Family Line
I have said before that when I get bored, my mind tends to wander into wild and weird places. And the following proves it. Many times, I find things in my Family searches that were hidden from me and quite surprising. For example, I found that my Dad was married before he met my Mother. I also found two of my own Daughters and their families, and they been a blessing in my life. Genealogy can be quite an adventure. It can be enlightening, and it can be a laugh. Genealogy lets one get a better feel for who one […]
2020.08.23 – The Grumpy Old Man is Back
I didn’t think this Grumpy Old Man could get anymore GRUMPY, but the CoronaVirus can do that to you. I am SO ready for it to be a bad memory. I am one of the people that the “Government” deemed “Essential.” While it is nice to know at 70 yrs old I am needed, it doesn’t hold the same weight with my Great Grand Kids. I hope the Governor doesn’t find that out. While my life has not been affected all that much by the virus, it has affected my Genealogy searches. There are massive amounts of information on the […]
Swimming with Sharks
I have a big fish story. But, what does swimming with sharks have to do with genealogy? Everything! Genealogy is tracing one’s line of descent. But memories add spice to merely a name and birth date. I was in the Army, stationed on an island in the South Pacific. The island was only 2 miles long, ½ a mile wide and 7 ft above sea level. The island was man-made. Made of Coral dredgings, you could look out your room and imagine it was snow. Shorts, Flip Flops, and a Polo Shirt was “Off Duty” Formalwear. The trade winds blew […]