2023.03.08 – RootsTech 2023 Innovations


RootsTech 2023 Innovations
By Dale E. Lee

Ever since RootsTech decided to go virtual because of Covid 19, I have enjoyed reviewing the technological advances being made in Family History by viewing the Innovation Forum section of the website, and this year did not disappoint. As a matter fact, I think the technologies I’m seeing in the forum are probably some of the most advanced I’ve seen so far.

The following is a summary of the new technologies shown. If you want to see further detail on each, hop on over to https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/series/innovation.

  • The ability to scan normal records and create Family Trees from the information collected (FamilySearch).
  • The ability to send Videos much the same way as texts are sent so family members can keep in touch daily (Marco Polo).
  • The ability to relate not only family members, but friends and pets in a graph database that can display graph diagrams of the relationships involved (Storied).
  • The use of Blockchain based family trees, including the ability to store video, photo, text and even money for the family (Bank of memories).
  • The ability to identify family relationships and the degree of kinship from photos (KinSame).
  • The ability to search and report on DNA data within other company’s data in a secure manner (Genxt).
  • The ability to create family websites and host them for free (Synium).
  • The ability to take a person’s picture and place it in the context of historic moments, such as Roman or Viking times (MyHeritage).
  • The use of augmented reality to combine sound, pictures, videos, and etc. (Ericsson).

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2023.03.22 - Seekerz Course Book

Seekerz Course BookBy Dale E. Lee2023.03.22 Last week I didn’t publish an article on the Seekerz blog. I was working very hard to finalize and publish a course book on family history for beginners. Today I can announce I was successful and on 3/16/2023 the paperback version of Seekerz Intro to Family History was published on Amazon. This work is the cumulation of three years of effort and each of the twelve course lessons have been through Beta testing multiple times both with live audiences and over Zoom. Click —> Seekerz Intro to Family History solves the problem most newbies […]

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