RootsTech 2023 Innovations
By Dale E. Lee
Ever since RootsTech decided to go virtual because of Covid 19, I have enjoyed reviewing the technological advances being made in Family History by viewing the Innovation Forum section of the website, and this year did not disappoint. As a matter fact, I think the technologies I’m seeing in the forum are probably some of the most advanced I’ve seen so far.
The following is a summary of the new technologies shown. If you want to see further detail on each, hop on over to
- The ability to scan normal records and create Family Trees from the information collected (FamilySearch).
- The ability to send Videos much the same way as texts are sent so family members can keep in touch daily (Marco Polo).
- The ability to relate not only family members, but friends and pets in a graph database that can display graph diagrams of the relationships involved (Storied).
- The use of Blockchain based family trees, including the ability to store video, photo, text and even money for the family (Bank of memories).
- The ability to identify family relationships and the degree of kinship from photos (KinSame).
- The ability to search and report on DNA data within other company’s data in a secure manner (Genxt).
- The ability to create family websites and host them for free (Synium).
- The ability to take a person’s picture and place it in the context of historic moments, such as Roman or Viking times (MyHeritage).
- The use of augmented reality to combine sound, pictures, videos, and etc. (Ericsson).
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