2020.06.26 – Death, it is not final


The following poem was written for the passing of a relative on Father’s Day.

Death, it is not final
By D.E. Lee © 2020

We think of death, and mourn those past,
Holding to memories, and keeping them fast,
But Death is not permanent, nor will it last,
It is but a beginning, in time which is vast,
Though hard for us, to comprehend,
The finality of death, will come to an end,
The dividing called death, of body and spirit,
For a time apart, but never fear it,
We will again, both reunite,
Our body and spirit, in their might,
And when reborn, again rejoice,
We are made whole, through saving grace.

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2020.09.05 - RootsTech 2021 is FREE!

Jen Allen, director of events at FamilySearch stated that RootsTech Connect will take place live online on February 25-27, 2021. It will be an entirely Virtual and entirely Free Conference. You can see the announcement at: https://www.rootstech.org/blog/rootstech-is-coming-to-you?lang=eng&et_cid=1777253&et_rid=105795865&linkid=blog&cid=em-rt-9873 There is a link in the article above under “What’s Included?” that will allow you to register for the event. The registration is quick and simple, and allows you to receive emails with further information about the event. You can also sign up using using the following link, which provides more information about the event: https://www.rootstech.org/?lang=eng&et_cid=1777253&et_rid=105795865&linkid=MainCTA&cid=em-rt-9873 So if you ever wanted to go […]

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