Rambling thoughts from an Old Man!

patsmart 3

When I was young, I, like most kids, and even some young adults never really thought about the future or what I would leave behind. A major fault as I look back on my life. I have many memories but few pictures, keepsakes, or a journal of my past. It seemed like too big a bother at the time to take the time. I have had many adventures in my 70 years. I still remember them, but the details and participants have faded with the years. I look back and ask myself, who was that guy or what was that […]

Adventures in Genealogy


By Pat Smart How was I to know how a simple Father’s Day Gift from my Ex-wife, a DNA kit from Ancestry would affect my life? I thought this would be “neat”. I can find out if the stories I heard as a kid were true or not. So, I sent in my kit and waited, and waited, and waited. Ok, fine. How was I to know all I had to do was sign on to the website? When I didi sign on, I found that the stories I heard as a kid were genuine and not so true, but […]

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