Strategy: Cemetery Plot Purchase RecordsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.11.27 Cemetery Plot Purchase Records One lesser-known but surprisingly valuable strategy in genealogical research is investigating cemetery plot purchase records. Many genealogists focus on obituaries, headstone inscriptions, and cemetery indexes to find information about ancestors, but plot purchase records can reveal insights not typically found in other sources. These records are specific to the purchase transaction and often contain details about the buyer, purchase dates, and even information about other family members. The following can enhance your research and help you uncover hidden family connections and histories. 1. Understanding Cemetery Plot […]
2024.11.20 – Strategy: Old Phone Books
Strategy: Old Phone BooksBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.11.20 Old Phone Books Using old phone books in genealogy research is a creative and often overlooked strategy that can reveal a wealth of information about ancestors. They can indicate where ancestors lived, their occupations, and possible family and business connections. Here’s how phone books can help paint a richer picture of your ancestors’ lives and some strategies for effectively using them in your research. 1. Locating Ancestors Phone books can be useful when tracing your ancestor’s location, especially if they moved frequently or were in urban areas where directories were regularly […]
2024.11.13 – Strategy: Newspaper Shipping Reports
Strategy: Newspaper Shipping ReportsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.11.13 Newspaper Shipping Reports Common go-to documents, such as census records, marriage licenses, and birth and death certificates sometimes offer limited insight into specific aspects of your ancestors’ lives, such as their travels, occupations, and/or migration patterns. For those seeking more in-depth details, newspaper shipping reports of incoming and outgoing ships provide an often-overlooked source of information, especially if your ancestor traveled for business, migrated to a new country, or was involved in shipping or maritime industries. The following is a guide to understanding and using shipping reports to increase your genealogical […]
2024.11.06 – Strategy: Using Historical Maps
Strategy: Using Historical MapsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.11.06 Using Historical Maps to Track Land Ownership and Boundary Changes Researchers often face challenges when tracing their ancestors’ footsteps through property records, especially when boundaries and place names have shifted over time. A lesser-known but powerful strategy to overcome these obstacles is comparing historical maps with modern ones. By using maps, genealogists can track how land ownership and town boundaries have evolved, allowing them to pinpoint where their ancestors lived, even when official records are scarce. Here’s how to make the most of historical maps in your efforts. 1. Start with […]
2024.10.30 – Strategy: Using DNA Testing
Strategy: Using DNA TestingBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.10.30 Genealogy Research Through DNA Testing Genealogy research has become more advanced with the rise of DNA testing, offering unique insights into family connections and historical roots. However, many people overlook techniques that can optimize their use of DNA data. Here, we’ll explore strategies that go beyond basic ancestry tracking: using 1) DNA matches, 2) shared ancestor hints, 3) chromosome browsers, and 4) genetic trees. These can help uncover distant cousins and hidden family connections that could lead to valuable information, family stories, or even missing documents. 1. Leveraging DNA Matches to […]
2024.10.23 – Strategy: Passport Renewal Applications
Strategy: Passport Renewal ApplicationsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.10.23 Exploring Passport Renewal Applications In family history, it’s common to rely on census records, birth certificates, and immigration documents to track ancestors’ movements and life events. However, lesser-known records like passport renewal applications can provide surprising detail. If an ancestor traveled abroad more than once, they may have applied to renew their passport—a process that often reveals updated information about their residence, occupation, and intentions at the time. Passport renewal applications can be an invaluable resource for piecing together the lives of traveling ancestors, offering insights into where they lived, what […]
2024.10.16 – Strategy: Alien Registration Records
Strategy: Alien Registration RecordsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.10.16 Using Alien Registration Records Genealogy research can be an exciting pursuit, but many researchers hit roadblocks when conventional sources such as census records or birth and death certificates fail to provide the desired results. Turning to lesser-known records can reveal new insights. One often overlooked resource is Alien Registration Records. These documents, created during various periods of U.S. history, particularly in wartime, can provide detailed and often valuable information about immigrants who did not become naturalized citizens. Understanding how to locate and utilize these records can unlock vital clues in tracing […]
2024.10.09 – Strategy: Academic Records
Strategy: Academic RecordsBy Pat Smart and AI2024.10.09 Academic Records: A Hidden Gem Genealogical research often starts with familiar resources like censuses, birth and death certificates, or military records. However, academic records are a valuable source for those looking to add depth to their family history. From school enrollments to university transcripts, these records provide critical details about ancestors, offering insights that may be overlooked in other documents. They can help place ancestors in a specific time and place while revealing their social standing, interests, and family dynamics. Why Academic Records Matter Most genealogical resources provide the basic facts about an […]
2024.10.02 – Strategy: Merchant Marine Records
Strategy: Merchant Marine RecordsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.10.02 Exploring Merchant Marine Records An interesting area of Family History research is found in tracing ancestors who worked at sea. If your ancestor was part of the Merchant Marine, a maritime service that played a crucial role in international trade, you may have a rich but lesser-known resource to explore. While traditional genealogy strategies often involve birth certificates, census data, and church records, researching Merchant Marine records can provide unexpected insights. These records not only detail service history but may also include personal information and ports visited, shedding light on your […]
2024.09.25 – Strategy: Dower Rights and Widow’s Pensions
Strategy: Dower Rights and Widow’s PensionsBy Dale E. Lee and AI2024.09.25 Unlocking Clues Through Dower Rights and Widow’s Pensions Genealogy research often hits roadblocks, especially when records are missing or incomplete. However, overlooked sources like dower rights and widow’s pension records can provide valuable insights. These legal and financial records frequently contain personal information that may establish crucial family relationships, marriage dates, and more. Understanding how to locate and analyze these documents can help break through genealogical brick walls. This article, 1) explores the significance of dower rights and widow’s pensions, 2) discusses how they evolved, and 3) offers tips […]