2020.08.23 – The Grumpy Old Man is Back


I didn’t think this Grumpy Old Man could get anymore GRUMPY, but the CoronaVirus can do that to you. 

I am SO ready for it to be a bad memory.

I am one of the people that the “Government” deemed “Essential.”  While it is nice to know at 70 yrs old I am needed, it doesn’t hold the same weight with my Great Grand Kids.  I hope the Governor doesn’t find that out.

While my life has not been affected all that much by the virus, it has affected my Genealogy searches. 

There are massive amounts of information on the web, but not all records are digitized.  Therein lies the problem. 

At this point, I must warn you, if you pursue the task of finding your Ancestors, be ready for curve balls.  Let me explain:  I was looking for my Mother and Dad’s marriage license.  Curve Ball!  I discovered that my Dad had been married before he met my Mother.  But since one piece of paper does NOT make it a given, I found other corroborating evidence. 

Now, I am on a mission to find my Mother and Dad’s marriage license.  Curve Ball!  I can’t find it.  It isn’t online.  Oh no, Panic!  I know they were married,  I just can’t prove it. 

My search is now offline.  Where should I go?  AH!  My Mother has a sister.  She is in her 90s—my last hope.  So I emailed her daughter, my cousin, and she found out where and when my Mother and Dad were married.

I then looked up the phone number for the county records.  I called and talked to a Lady, and she said she would have to go upstairs to find the documents.  Nothing.  I called two more times.  Still nothing.  Are they short-handed because of the virus?  I am sure they are.  I will keep trying. 

Curve Balls happen.  If you get a Curve Ball keep swinging, they can be hit.

Pat Smart

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2020.09.30 - The Grumpy Old Man finds surprising things in his Family Line

I have said before that when I get bored, my mind tends to wander into wild and weird places. And the following proves it. Many times, I find things in my Family searches that were hidden from me and quite surprising. For example, I found that my Dad was married before he met my Mother. I also found two of my own Daughters and their families, and they been a blessing in my life. Genealogy can be quite an adventure. It can be enlightening, and it can be a laugh. Genealogy lets one get a better feel for who one […]

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