is improving. We’ve added a How To menu with articles showing others how to accomplish tasks in Family History. We’ve added a Tools menu pointing Genealogists to desktop and on-line tools that can make their lives easier. And now We’ve added a FUN menu with Crossword and Word Search puzzles. Come join us on our journey, and while you’re at it, try out the Word Search for Utilities for a little fun. See if you can find all of the desktop utilities in the puzzle.
Missed RootsTech?
What if I missed RootsTech? Is there anything I can do? There’s an app for that, or at least a web address: Many people are interested in attending RootsTech, but due to work, sickness, etc. are unable to attend. Perhaps things will get less hectic and you’ll have more time available when you retire. In the mean time, you can view the sessions RootsTech has recorded and made publicly available at the web address above. They even have up-to-date information on using DNA to seek out your Family Heritage. You may find something useful. Give it a try!
Rambling thoughts from an Old Man!
When I was young, I, like most kids, and even some young adults never really thought about the future or what I would leave behind. A major fault as I look back on my life. I have many memories but few pictures, keepsakes, or a journal of my past. It seemed like too big a bother at the time to take the time. I have had many adventures in my 70 years. I still remember them, but the details and participants have faded with the years. I look back and ask myself, who was that guy or what was that […]
Adventures in Genealogy
By Pat Smart How was I to know how a simple Father’s Day Gift from my Ex-wife, a DNA kit from Ancestry would affect my life? I thought this would be “neat”. I can find out if the stories I heard as a kid were true or not. So, I sent in my kit and waited, and waited, and waited. Ok, fine. How was I to know all I had to do was sign on to the website? When I didi sign on, I found that the stories I heard as a kid were genuine and not so true, but […]
Happy New Year!
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