Seekerz Coursez Intro to Family History Limited Time Offer Seekerz LLC is offering the Seekerz Coursez – Intro to Family History for 50% off for a limited time. The course is nearing completion and those that get in now will have all the materials that will be offered for full price at a later time, including access to videos. This is a twelve week course and we will meet once a week when it is convenient to both you and I (my schedule is flexible). Lessons will be sent to you by email or viewed on-line if the video is […]
2021.12.14 – Word Scramble – Relations
Word Scramble – RelationsSubmitted by Pat Smart2021.12.14 RTOHEM _ _ _ _ _ _ USOICN _ _ _ _ _ _ NUELC _ _ _ _ _ PEEHWN _ _ _ _ _ _ AERTFH _ _ _ _ _ _ SSITRE _ _ _ _ _ _ TERBOHR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADPNRAG _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NTUA _ _ _ _ EEICN _ _ _ _ _ MGARNDA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cheat Sheet MOTHER COUSIN UNCLE NEPHEW FATHER SISTER BROTHER GRANDPA AUNT NIECE GRANDMA
2021.12.08 – Seek for Fun 6
Seek for Fun 6By Dale E. Lee2021.12.08 More Fun.See if you can find all of the Words listed in the Word Search puzzle below. SeekerzSearch – Research Research Items Analyze Approach Artifact Assumption Breakdown Citation Collaborate Collect Conclusion Context Correlation Decide Derivative DNA Do Documentation Ethnicity evaluate Evidence Finalize Find Future Research Gaps in Prior Research Gather Geographic areas Get Goal GPS Guide Handwriting Identify Internet log Loose Ends Map Migration Military Newspaper Objective Organize Periodical Plan Proof query Record Recorded Read Reevaluate Reference Reorganize Report Repositories Research Resolve Restrictions Result Roadblock Save Information Scope search seek share SMART Source […]
2021.12.01 – Seek for Fun 5
Seek for Fun 5By Dale E. Lee2021.12.01 More Fun.See if you can find all of the Words listed in the Word Search puzzle below. SeekerzSearch – Personal Histories What to write about in Personal Histories Act Aunt Before School Businesses Certifications Children College Community Service Descendant Chart Difficulties Diplomas Draw Employers Experiences Family Organizations Family stories Favorite things Friends Grandchildren Hobbies Holiday stories Instructors Job Knowledge gained Love Map Marriage Me Music Newspaper articles Organizations Pedigree Chart Pets Play Positions held (Religious, Civic, Employment, etc.) Principles Published works (Books, Poetry, Websites) Relatives Religion Residences School Sing Son Special Blessings Special […]
2021.11.24 – Free Roadmap Report
Seekerz CoursezFreeRoadmap to Family HistoryReport This may be My Big Mistake I was talking to a friend about Family History. He suggested I ought to offer the Roadmap to Family History Report totally for free. It was already at a very low price, so I wondered why he thought that would be a good idea. We continued discussing other topics, but at the end of the conversation, he again insisted that I offer the Roadmap for free. So I’m going to take a chance and trust that he knows what he’s doing. The Roadmap to Family History is a report […]
2021.11.17 – Seek for Fun 4
Seek for Fun 4By Dale E. Lee2021.11.17 Keep it Fun.See if you can find all of the Words listed in the Word Search puzzle below. SeekerzSearch – Indexing Terms used in Indexing Abbreviation Add additional records Additional Columns Alias Baby Birth Blank Lines Canceled Census Child Compare characters Copy Corrected Crossed-out Date Date format Date Hierarchy Death Delete blank record Ditto marks Duplicates Enlist Enlistment Entries per page Father Given names Handwriting Incarcerations Instructions International characters Land Record Legible List Maiden Name Marriage Military Records Most recent date Mother Mr Mrs Muster Roll Name Nee No extractable data Overlaid Parent […]
2021.10.20 – The Genetic Detective
The Genetic DetectiveBy Dale E. Lee2021.10.20 Summary: About the The Genetic Detective Locations Activities Wrap up Detail: About the The Genetic Detective Every once in a while Seekerz writes articles about shows that have a Family History bent. Not everything in Family History has to be cut and dried. Entertainment can be an important part of increasing people’s interest and ability in Family History. As you watch to be entertained, you can pick up tips and clues you may be able to incorporate in your own research. The Genetic Detective is a show put on by ABC which features a […]
2021.10.13 – The Gift That Lasts
The Gift That LastsBy Dale E. Lee2021.10.13 Summary: My Box A Suggestion My Treasures Things to Collect Detail: My Box Once as I was growing up I was given a special gift. I’m not talking about a Christmas gift that came in a box. It was the box itself. (We all know that kids like gifts that come in boxes almost as much as the box they came in.) This was a special box, not because of its contents, but because of the things I could put in it after I received it. The box was the size of an […]
2020.10.04 – Special Report – Liver and Gall Bladder cleanse
We don’t normally include material outside the boundaries of arena of Family History. However, I am aware of several people that have saved themselves from having gall bladder operations, including two of my own family, by using the following cleanse. We are not physicians, and cannot prescribe any medical treatments. If you have any questions, check with your doctor before using. Note that the diet includes grapefruit juice, which has the potential to block the effectiveness of some medications. So check to see if this is true of medications you are currently taking before using, as it will be at […]
2020.09.21 – Announcement: 2.4 Million Rolls of Microfilm digitized
The following is a summary of the announcement this morning in the Deseret News of Salt Lake City, Utah. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has completed the digitization of 2.4 Million Rolls of Microfilm. Originally slated take 50 to 100 years, it only took 15 years, due to the efforts of volunteers and the pace of technical innovation. The rolls contain more than 11.5 billion people from over 200 countries. Although the microfilms have now been digitized, the indexing effort continues. Indexing means to use the digital images taken from the microfilms and extract data manually from […]