Seekerz Coursez
Roadmap to Family History
This may be My Big Mistake
I was talking to a friend about Family History. He suggested I ought to offer the Roadmap to Family History Report totally for free. It was already at a very low price, so I wondered why he thought that would be a good idea. We continued discussing other topics, but at the end of the conversation, he again insisted that I offer the Roadmap for free. So I’m going to take a chance and trust that he knows what he’s doing.
The Roadmap to Family History is a report that shows newcomers, and those not so new, how to successfully navigate the Family History geography, starting from ground zero all the way to proficiency. It is the framework for a new course, but you can now get the report the course is based on for free for a limited time.
Family History Problem
There is a big problem in understanding Family History.
Most of those new to it want to jump into the deep end of the pool without first learning how to swim. They soon find the breadth of knowledge needed and depth of some of the areas of knowledge to be overwhelming and give up in frustration. It’s not that the training is not good, but it is disjointed and non-cohesive. A person can literally study different aspects of Family History for a year or more and not accomplish much.
Seekerz LLC helps solve that problem by offering a step by step guide that shows the lay of the land. Each of the steps involved in becoming proficient is discussed. Each step lays the foundation for the next. Traversing a landscape is much easier if you have a road map. You can avoid many, many missteps by knowing how to get to your objective in a quick and efficient manner. Not having a roadmap can waste a lot of valuable time and is the main reason for the frustration many feel when delving into this area.
Seekerz LLC is offering the Roadmap to Family History report for free for a limited time. The Roadmap lays out Family History in simple understandable terms. It is a framework which can be used for future expansion of knowledge in this area. It can become the backbone used to flesh out your body of knowledge as it grows. And each of the topics discussed is a jumping off point for further study. Click here to receive your free copy of the
Don’t Wait until it’s too Late to do Family History
Many people thought they had all the time in the world, until Covid 19 hit. But then it was too late. Loved ones near and dear to them are now only memories and bits of facts and artifacts, some remembered and some written down. They forgot to take the time to record the loved one’s voice and story while they had the chance.
But Covid was not the only event that caused problems. Traffic accidents, icy roads, or drunken drivers are some. Others pass on through genetic and other diseases. And yet others through war and strife. Although you should plan your life as if it will go on into an old age, you need to prepare as if it would end soon. If you never prepare, it will not matter when the end comes, it’ll be too late. If you do prepare, it again does not matter, you will be prepared.
Seekerz LLC, © 2021