2022.01.26 – Surprised AGAIN!


The Grumpy Old Man is Surprised AGAIN!

I found two Daughters, several Grandkids, and 5 Great Grandkids, all because of my journey in Genealogy. It is hard to believe the joy that came into my life.

After my success in finding my Daughters, I went on the hunt for my Parent’s marriage license. One would think that a quick look on the internet should be sufficient. NO SUCH LUCK!

So I resorted to Plan B. I asked my cousin if her mother (my Mother’s Sister) had information. Yes! She did, and I collected the CLUES. I was able to find the city, approximate Date, and County where Mother and Daddy were married. They were married in Oklahoma. Unfortunately I no longer live there.

Dead end? Maybe not. According to the Seekerz Coursez, “Intro to Family History,” I do have options. One is to plan a trip to Oklahoma. However, that isn’t an option at my age. Another option is to contact the county records office, so I called and talked with them. They told me that their records were not on the internet, but archived “Upstairs.” Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get them to search those records “Upstairs” yet.

I haven’t given up though. If you run into a roadblock, as the course says, you need to find ways around it. While I have not found a marriage license, I have found other documentation that shows they were married.

Documents are being uploaded to the internet daily, so I’m hoping it’ll show up on a web repository in the not too distant future. The hunt continues.

So, you ask, where is the surprise? The surprise is that I did find a marriage license, just not the one I was looking for. My Father was married before he met my mother. That in itself is not surprising. The fact that none of us knew it, is.

What more will I find? Who knows. The Adventure Continues, and is far more surprising than expected!

Pat Smart

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