2024.01.04 – My Descendant Down on Earth


My Descendant Down on Earth
By D. E. Lee, © 2023
<Republished under new title to avoid copyright contention>

I see my descendant down on earth,
so wrapped in daily life,
He doesn’t understand the need,
to find me, amid his strife,

And when I do reach out to him,
to ask him for his aid,
He’s much to busy to pay attention,
to the promptings which I made,

I’ve tried to prompt him many times,
I need his help to find,
The documents that prove I lived,
and that we two can bind,

Our love for those that meant the most,
to me when I was there,
In the same place that he now is,
to those under my care,

Oh, when will he take the time,
to look beyond his life?
And find those from whence he came,
and me, my kids and wife,

I wasn’t just a name or date,
to be recalled without a thought,
I was his ancestor, through toil and sweat,
whose life for him I fought,

As did his fathers after me,
until it was his turn,
To come to Earth and and then be joined,
to others which do yearn,

To be together for all time,
beyond this mortal veil,
And share in the camaraderie,
eternity for us to sail.

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