2023.04.26 – Famous People


Famous People
By Dale. E. Lee

OK, so here’s a fun activity.

The other day my wife told me she was related to George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Catherine Hepburn, and a slew of other famous people. The list she was describing got longer and less credible by the moment.

However, she then said, see, just go to the FamilyTree app, sign in, then go to the menu, Family History Activities and scroll to the right for Famous Relatives. It has you sign in again, but then displays Famous People related to you. [For those signing on to your computer, go to www.familysearch.org, sign in, then click on Activities and Famous Relatives.] She then continued to boast about all the famous relatives she was related to, with the three above being only a small sample of all those listed. After that I couldn’t really naysay her because she could simply click through on each of the famous people and show the exact relationship to herself. And she had a lot of them because her father’s line came from early American heritage.

So if you want to have some fun and let your head swell a bit before coming back to reality, check out Famous Relatives at FamilySearch.org.

I did and now I can boast that I’m related to Sir Isaac Newton. (Not very, as he’s my 6th cousin eight times removed, but still related!)

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While on my journey in Genealogy, I have become interested in Gravestone Symbols and Acronyms. The more articles I run across, the more fascinating I find them. Some Gravestones have the deceased’s name, birth date, a “Dash”, and date of passing. In genealogy, dates are important, but the “Dash” between the two dates represents the person’s life, accomplishments, failures, and connection to their descendants… their Life’s story. But many gravestones have additional information, such as Symbols or Acronyms. Some symbols are as obvious as a Cross, a Star of David, or a Crescent Moon. But some are less apparent. For […]

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