2022.09.28 – Whats New


What’s New?
By Dale E. Lee

One of the frustrating yet wonderful problems using Web Repositories to answer Genealogical questions is the fact that they are adding record holdings continuously.

The Wonderful part of it is if you find your relative’s records in their database it saves you a tremendous amount of time. Instead of needing to go to the location, you can do a simple search using their database and if found, it will list information in the record. The image of the record may even be available for viewing.

However, on the flip side, they are adding to their holdings continuously, meaning that it is very possible that they don’t yet have the record you are searching for. It can be frustrating to have to check back periodically to see if the record finally shows up.

FamilySearch has created an area of its blog which publishes information on new records which have been added to its holdings. Each week a summary is published of the record collections added, the countries involved, the actions taken, and a count of the records involved.

Check out their “What’s New?“ reporting functionality at:


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